We're a generation content with comfort in speech,
of the past and the way that things used to be.
And deep inside all of our spirits, they cry
for a deeper drink since we have gotten so dry.
We know there's much more, and yet we still hide
we're turning and running, our spirit's gone blind.
Contentment is bringing death to our door,
and avoiding the move of God we've all prayed for.
Will we be the people who'll hungar and seek?
Or continue to choose to be foolish and weak?
We keep seeking the answers of our worldly state
in religion and laws and the rules that we make.
We fear the the great things that God has instore
because of the price he may look to us for.
For he who wants to be great among you must be least,
it's the opposite of the flesh and of the beast.
Be bold in the Lord and in his mighty power,
for he's chosen us all for this very hour.
Step out and grab it, it's for us today,
the power of God to heal and to save.
The Spirit of God's growing stronger with time
it's given to those who will say "It is mine".
What will we choose? What will we embrace?
The past? Or the greatness God has for today?
A move of the Spirit? The power of God?
Of death of the Spirit held captive by law?
A fresh new anointing with now glories beheld?
Or a dusty Bible just set on a shelf?
How bad do you want it? How hard will you seek?
Greatness in God is not for the weak.
God's looking for people who'll hungar and thirst,
Who'llseek to honor God and place him as first.
We'll stand up in faith and proclaim for today,
all that God's promised of power and strength.
Who'll fight the good fight, run the race to the end.
Will we be the people God chooses to send?